We can all use some help at one point in time or another.


Seeking help for relationship struggles, sexual problems, anxiety, panic attacks, feeling depressed or ‘stuck’, career difficulties, is a great step forward towards feeling better.  Therapy offers an opportunity to take a fresh look at ourselves and discover what obstacles we can clear out of the way in order to make different choices, develop greater strength and resiliency in our lives.

About Deborah J. Fox, M.S.W.

I’ve been practicing for over 30 years, with expertise in helping people enjoy their relationships and lives again. I see people individually, in couples and in groups.

My style of couples counseling, rooted in Imago Therapy,  is a particularly effective form of couples counseling for anyone in a committed relationship regardless of gender. Marriage counseling helps couples develop safe and more loving relationships, in which pain and conflict are turned into an opportunity for growth and greater closeness.

I am a Certified Sex Therapist. I offer help with significant sexual difficulties, as well as to those who are looking to improve their sexual lives and rekindle the passion in their relationship.

I have trained in Somatic Experiencing, a treatment approach for trauma. Body-based therapeutic strategies are tremendously helpful in accessing sources of distress that are “beneath words” and enabling healing in both individual and couples therapy.

(202) 363-1740

4600 Connecticut Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20008

1555 Connecticut Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20036


Individual and Group Therapy

Individual and group therapy can be tremendously helpful in alleviating symptoms, being able to be more productive, changing destructive patterns and behavior and feeling more capable and engaged in life.

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Sex Therapy

Concerns about sexuality and sexual problems are incredibly common. Yet, talking about them or seeking therapy are equally uncommon. Sometimes this is because we think of adult subjects the same way we picture a nude photograph, as x-rated. As a result, many people suffer needlessly in silence.

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Marriage and couples counseling

When couples experience tension, increasing conflict and unhappiness, it can seem like such a mystery that a relationship that once felt so warm and loving has developed into one of pain, disappointment and disconnection.

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